公司上市之后通过收购、兼并等资本运作手段,先后将北京四环制药、深圳四环医药等企业纳入四环医药旗下,获得40 多个产品。根据官网介绍,公司目前拥有4个研究机构、8家销售公司、11家生产基地,主要包括北京四环制药有限公司、吉林四环制药有限公司、廊坊高博京邦制药有限公司、长春翔通药业有限公司等附属公司。
Simon: It is not the government that has created the strong mid-sized sector and the numerous Hidden Champions in Germany, rather the opposite is true。 By providing a stable political environment and leaving them alone the mittelstand could flourish。 And there is no single factor which explains the mittelstand’s and the Hidden Champions’ continuing success。 Important factors are the entrepreneurial ambition to become the best in the world, focus on a narrow market, and globalization。 The Hidden Champions are also very innovative, which is not a pure matter of technology but the integration of customer needs and technology。 There is one are, though, where the government plays a decisive role, vocational training, a pillar of German competitiveness。 The companies provide the practical training of apprentices and the government runs the vocational schools (Berufsschulen)。 The technical universities also play a key role in cooperating very closely with the companies。